About True View Home Inspections

The True View Team

You deserve to really know your future home. At True View Home Inspections, we believe in providing you with the opportunity to “Get to Know” the place where you will eat your meals, raise your family and spend the majority of your time. Buying a home is a huge investment; you can rely on us for our comprehensive, unbiased knowledge.

True View provides you with the objective insight that you will not get anywhere else. Our clear, detailed inspection reports and professionalism, will give you the comfort you needed during the home buying process. The “True View” of your future property will protect your investment, your interests and your peace of mind. For the best view, call True View..

True View Home Inspections was founded by Justin Albano and continues to has grown into the most professional and reliable home inspection company in Westchester County. Our services include - Buyers Inspections, Pre Listing Inspections, New Construction Inspections, Termite Inspections, and Radon Testing.

Why Choose True View

1) We’re Flexible. We work to your schedule. Our inspectors are available days, nights and weekends.

2) We’re Fast. Every report is sent out within 24 hours of completion. A two-hour rush service is available.

3) We’re Thorough. We take a full two to three hours to conduct every inspection, so you know nothing is missed.

4) We’re Meticulous. Every inspection includes a comprehensive 15 to 30 page report that covers every nook and cranny in the property and grounds

5) We’re Experienced. Every inspection is conducted by a full-time professional home inspector with at least five years experience.

6) We’re Reliable. If we give you a time and date and our inspector fails to turn up for any reason, your inspection is free.

7) We’re Independent. Because we work for you, not the real estate agent or seller, you can trust our report. Every report is 100% accurate and objective


* indicates required

Meet The Team


Justin Albano


Home Inspection
NYS Lic.16000034595
CTS Lic. HOI0000646

Mold Assessment Lic.

DEC Pest Control Certification

Victor Pedro


Home Inspection
NYS Lic. # 16000076279
CTS Lic. # HOI. 0000907

Mold Assessment
Lic. # MA01600


Steven Salanitro


Home Inspection
NYS Lic. # 160000121567
CTS Lic. # HOI.0001226

Mold Assessment
Lic. # MA02366


William Barrett


Home Inspection
NYS Lic. # 16000122812
CTS Lic. # HOI 0001252

Mold Assessment
Lic. # MA02570


Chad Hynes
